2000 Value Control System This system is supplied as a convertible 120/240 system with convertible pump, blower, and ozone outlets. The unit may be configured for 20/30/50 amp operation and has two preset filter cycles, thefirst one beginning one minute after startup and the second starting twelve hours after startup. These cycles are programmable for 2, 4, 6, or 8 hours This system can operate:
BAL52294HC Balboa Water Group Control, Balboa 2000LE, P1,P2,P3,Bl,Oz,Cp, 5.5kW, 230v 52294HC3 52294-HC 52294HC 2000 LE Control SystemThis system is supplied as a dedicated 240v control system w
Balboa Water Group | Control, Balboa SUV M7â„¢, P1, Bl, Oz, Lt, 4.0kW, 115v/230v | 52589HC | 52589-HC SUV (Super Value) SystemThe SUV system is supplied as a convertible 120/240v system wit
Balboa Water Group | Control, Balboa M3, P1,P2,Bl, Oz, Cp, Lt, LH, 230v,w/o Cords | 53170 | Discontinued
M-3 240 Volt SystemThis is the same unit as the M-2 except that it is pre-wired to run
Balboa Water Group | Control, BWG 1000LE, 1.4/5.5kW, 115v/230v | 52490HC | 52490-HC | Discontinued
1000 LE Control SystemPriced to beat the Balboa M-1 system, the 1000LE actually provides mor