Motor, US Motor, 1.5hp, SQFL, Fullrate, 115/208/230v,56Y, EECompatible with the following:Part/CategoryBrand/ManufacturerPart NamePumpPentairPentair Sta-Rite Super
ASB841 | Nidec Motor Corp/US Motors | Motor, US Motor, 1.0hp, SQFL, Fullrate, 115/208/230v, 56Y, EE
Square Flange Pool & Spa Motor - Full Rated, Energy EfficientSwitchless Design, 6.5"...
Motor, Century,2.0hp,230v,1-Spd,56Yfr, SQFLCompatible with the following:Part/CategoryBrand/ManufacturerPart NamePumpSta-RiteStaRite Dyna-Glas/Dyna-Max Pumps<
ASB2983 | Nidec Motor Corp/US Motors | Motor, US Motor, 1.5hp, 2-Spd, 230v, 56YFr, SQFL, Full Rate, PE
56 Frame Square Flange Pool & Spa Motor - Full Rated, Premium EfficiencySwitchless...